Hot and Cold: 2 Potential Problems With Your Workplace Ducted Air System

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With summer on the way, air conditioning is vital if you wish to work in a pleasant environment. If you have recently had a ducted air conditioning installed in your workplace, the chances are you have yet to consider the fact that anything could go wrong with the system.  At first, many of the problems which affect ducted air conditioning systems can seem small. However, if these problems are not addressed during routine maintenance, they can develop into serious issues which can cause the entire air conditioning system to fail.…

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Tips For Cleaning and Maintaining a Jetty

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Jetties provide an excellent place for you to dock your boat, but far too many people fail to keep them clean. Jetties need to be cleaned and properly maintained, just like the boats themselves. Here are some tips for doing that. Common Issues to Be Aware Of When it comes to maintenance of a jetty, it helps to first understand some of the different problems that can occur. Not only are these issues that come from not cleaning or maintaining a jetty often enough, but some issues that will occur over time and require you to spend a little more time on the jetty.…

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Which Type Of Blind Is Right For You?

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Not all blinds are created equal–and there are more kinds than you might imagine. There are, in fact, no fewer than five main categories of blind type–so how can you decide which is best for your windows? Discover what the five types are and which situations make the best fit for them. Vertical blinds comprise a series of long fabric or vinyl slats that can be tilted open or closed using a chain and drawn to one side using a cord or wand.…

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Five Things Centrifugal Pump Operators Need to Understand About Reading a Pump Curve

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If you use a centrifugal pump, you need to be able to read a pump curve. This will help you to ensure you are not over straining the pump, and in some cases, it can also help you troubleshoot certain issues. Here is a look at the basics of reading pump curves: Understanding The Layout Generally, at the top of the graph, there is information on the pump – always check that the curve you are using matches the model number of the centrifugal pump you are using.…

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Know the Difference Between Line Marking Machines

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When you maintain your own large production facility or apartment complex, you’ll probably want to invest in line marking stencils, tape, and paint, and the right line marking machines. This can allow you to easily change the flow of traffic inside a warehouse or production facility and also touch up any lines and marks that have faded in the parking lot every year. Line marking machines can make it easy to create lines where needed and they can work with oversized stencils for marking off a parking lot or other area.…

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Suggestions for Eco-Friendly Yet Quality Building Supplies

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When planning any home renovation project, you want quality building supplies that will be durable and will last, but may also be concerned with how your choices affect the environment. This can include how easily you can harvest those materials and if they release any toxins as they break down over time. The good news is that you have many options for eco-friendly yet quality building supplies for just about any project or room of your home; note a few suggestions here to consider for your next project.…

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A Few Tips for Buying Your First Pieces of Jewellery

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Buying jewellery shouldn’t be a hassle, as you can often find quality pieces that are still affordable in a number of different department stores and online. However, you want to know what you’re looking for so that you don’t fall for cheap jewellery. When you’re ready to buy some jewellery, note a few tips to ensure you get the best pieces available. Know the difference between natural, synthetic and imitation…

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3 Fun Ways to Use Artificial Turf

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Artificial turf is an excellent way to have grass that is easy to maintain and doesn’t give you bald spots. However, aside from using it as a replacement for your lawn, there are also other ways to use it inside and outside your home. Here are three ways to consider using artificial turf. Create a Golfing Green  If you like to golf, you will love using artificial turf as a green.…

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