Suggestions for Eco-Friendly Yet Quality Building Supplies

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When planning any home renovation project, you want quality building supplies that will be durable and will last, but may also be concerned with how your choices affect the environment. This can include how easily you can harvest those materials and if they release any toxins as they break down over time. The good news is that you have many options for eco-friendly yet quality building supplies for just about any project or room of your home; note a few suggestions here to consider for your next project.


Cellulose insulation is often made from recycled paper with an adhesive mixed in; it's blown into place and then adheres to building material, making for a very solid form of insulation that is more eco-friendly than fiberglass. Sheep's wool insulation may also be an option; it's easy to harvest the wool and then manufacture the insulation product, and it may be thicker than glass wool or another spun wool product used for insulation. 


If you really want wood floors or are making new cabinets, opt for bamboo. It's very easy to grow and it grows very quickly, so you're not typically contributing to deforestation when you choose bamboo. However, be sure you opt for bamboo grown from local or domestic sources so that you're not having it shipped or flown in from another part of the world, as this transportation means exhaust fumes and emissions that aren't so eco-friendly.


For tile, opt for linoleum rather than vinyl or any type of plastic base. Linoleum is made from natural materials and oils that are mixed and made to look like stones, wood, and other such products. This allows them to break down more readily over time and not release toxins and fumes as they do, versus other materials that may not decompose so quickly when disposed of and which may release harmful toxins.

Paints and sealers 

Look for low-VOC paint; this refers to volatile organic compounds, which can be very bothersome to your sinuses and toxic for the environment. When choosing sealers for wood projects, check to ensure they do not contain cyanide. This chemical is often used in sealers to ensure there is no pest infestation for outside decks, but once the wood is cut or burned, the cyanide can be released into the ground or atmosphere and is very harmful and dangerous. Opt for oil-based sealers with natural linoleum oil and paints made from biodegradable materials for use when your renovation project is done.
