Tips For Cleaning and Maintaining a Jetty

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Jetties provide an excellent place for you to dock your boat, but far too many people fail to keep them clean. Jetties need to be cleaned and properly maintained, just like the boats themselves. Here are some tips for doing that.

Common Issues to Be Aware Of

When it comes to maintenance of a jetty, it helps to first understand some of the different problems that can occur. Not only are these issues that come from not cleaning or maintaining a jetty often enough, but some issues that will occur over time and require you to spend a little more time on the jetty. You can either take care of the issues yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. Some common problems with jetties include structural damage to the wood itself, rot, mold, and rust, and damage to the deck or main structure.

Know What Type of Wood You Have

Many contractors recommend using pressure-treated wood for a jetty because it can usually last longer without rot and warping, but you may be taking care of a jetty that has already been built. If that is the case, you need to know what type of wood you are dealing with so that you know the right method of cleaning it. If you know it is pressure-treated wood, then all you need is water to get it clean. You can use a hose with a high-pressure spray nozzle or a pressure washer. With natural wood, you should scrub it with a solution of sodium percarbonate, which helps to clean the natural wood and keep it from further damage.

Check the Metal Components

Aside from the wood planks of the jetties, you also need to be aware of damage and wear that can occur with metal components on the jetty. For starters, check all of the chains and make sure they are not rusted or eroding. If so, they might need to be replaced. Whenever you clean and maintain the jetty, it is a good time to apply lubricant to the chains. Also check any fasteners, also looking for signs of deterioration. Fasteners won't last as long as the wood planks of a jetty, so you will eventually need to replace them with new ones.

If you are not accustomed to looking for damage on a jetty or taking care of it, you can hire a professional to do it for you. They usually work on jetties, boat docks, and piers. 
