Do You Need a Certifier or an Inspector for Your Building Project?

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When you're beginning the process of building a business premises, a lot of different entities can be involved. A number of tradespeople and professionals with different backgrounds need to be engaged at relevant stages of the process. If this is your first time doing this, it can be confusing, but you've got to make sure that it's done right.

Building Inspector or Building Certifier

Most people understand that you need to get government certification when building a new property to ensure that it reaches the relevant national and local standards. This requires elements of inspection along the way, but does that mean that you need a building inspector or a building certifier? Confusion often arises here.

The Inspector's Role

A building inspector can carry out a complete review of the project and will conduct a visual survey to report on its situation in relation to comparable properties. The building inspector carries out such a review in accordance with stipulated Australian standards, but crucially they do not issue a "pass" or a "fail" judgement nor do they issue any kind of guarantee as part of their work.

They are looking at the quality and the finish of the work conducted by the tradesmen to see if it is up to a satisfactory standard. They're looking for defects in the structure, omissions or incomplete work and will itemise everything that they find clearly. They may recommend a particular process be taken in order to bring the relevant problem up to code.

Certifier's Work

However, a building certifier has a particular job of approving, inspecting and certifying any building works to ensure that they clearly comply with a large number of different pieces of legislation laid down by state, federal or national code. They want to know that all the work carried out complies with the requirements laid down before any approvals will be issued for either further work or closure. A number of different stages are stipulated during any construction work where a certifier needs to attend and give blessing before progressing to the next stage. A certificate of inspection is issued at these stages, and if necessary, enforcement notices may be also issued that dictate a course of action before any progress can be made.

Now that you can see the difference between a certifier and an inspector, you know who to bring in for advice, recommendations and support and who you need to satisfy that all work is being done well. Have a word with these experts to discuss the various stages of your project.
