Why You Shouldn't Paint Your House without Doing This First

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How long has it been since you last painted your house? If you have wood siding in place, then it should be a regular occurrence if you're going to avoid expensive replacements. Remember that sidings can last you for a generation or two, so long as they are properly maintained with sealant or paint. Yet before you start painting, there's another job to do first. How can you best prepare?

Get Ready

While wood siding is efficient and very nice to look at, it can also act as a magnet for all kinds of debris and dirt. Sometimes, that debris (like mould) can penetrate into the wood and cause damage over time. Other types of dirt (like bird droppings) are not just an eyesore but you'll want to make sure that you remove them before you paint. After all, such dirt can work itself loose, and if that's the case, the paint you used to cover it will also fall off, leaving the area beneath unprotected.

Use the Best Technique

All in all, it's best to perform a comprehensive cleaning job before you start painting and it's best to use a pressure washer to do so. You have to be careful to not cause any damage as you proceed.

Regulate the amount of pressure before you start work. Refer to the manufacturer guidelines, do some research online or ask your supplier for their advice. On the lowest setting get rid of all of the major items of dirt that should come off fairly easily, but be very careful not to remove any paint as you do so. If some paint is already missing, try to avoid saturating the wood beneath with water as it can cause damage and weakening.

Use Detergent

Put a mixture of detergent into the machine and then begin spraying that from the bottom towards the top, while keeping the nozzle pointed downwards as much as you can. This will avoid pushing any water upwards underneath the siding and into the home. Once you've done this, you should let the mixture sit for a short amount of time (perhaps long enough to drink a cup of coffee) before proceeding.

Remove the detergent mixture and use clean water to spray all the dirt and soap from the top towards the bottom.

Be Patient

Finally, don't make the mistake of painting right away. You really need to allow a couple of days for the siding to dry, so that you don't unwittingly trap moisture under the paint.

For more information, contact local professionals like Jetwave Industrial Equipment.
