How To Impress In Your First Corporate Management Role

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As an experienced manager about to start your first role in body corporate management, it's vital that you present a good first impression.  Taking a step up into a corporate management role can be daunting, especially when you're used to a less pressurised, more relaxed work environment.  However, your credibility as a leader, together with the respect you command, is all down to the language you use, your general demeanour and the way you come over to others. 

Here are some top tips on how to impress in your first corporate management role.

Dress to impress

There's nothing more off-putting than a boss who turns up for work looking as though he either slept in yesterday's clothes or got dressed in the dark!  It gives the impression to your workers that you don't care enough to make an effort.

Play the part

Not everyone is a natural-born leader and sometimes it can be hard to play that role convincingly.  One technique that works well is to imagine yourself as one of your peers in a corporate management role whose behaviour you admire and behave as they would.  When you're in the spotlight, imagine yourself as that person.

Be honest and straight with people

There really is no point in not being straight with folk when you're the boss, as they'll see that from a mile away.  Be honest and blunt if necessary where diplomacy has failed.  Sometimes it's not good to try to come across as too perfect or caring, as this can make you appear false and disingenuous. 

People will respect you much more if what they see is what they get.  If they're not sure of your honest, they won't trust you, and when you are their leader and role model, that can be fatal.

Difficult questions

Good leaders do not swerve awkward or uncomfortable questions from their staff, they tackle issues head-on.  Transparency and inclusion promotes trust and innovation, and good decision-making depends upon effective and honest communication.

The exception here is obviously confidentiality.  If the information you are being quizzed about is classified, then you must explain to your people why you are unable to answer their questions.  This will cultivate much more respect with your workforce than fobbing them off with woolly, generalities that mean nothing.

Be a good listener

It's really important that you listen to your staff.  Sometimes, the best action you can take is to take no action at all but to just hear out what they have to say.  Show that you are genuinely interested by making notes and following up with a definitive action plan.

Be candid

Keep your approach consistent, whether you are speaking from a stage, addressing a formal meeting or just exchanging pleasantries when passing in the corridor.  When you are in the workplace, be self-aware not just of the words you say but of how you say them relative to the context of your audience.  You should be approachable, but never become too friendly with your staff; it's very difficult to maintain your authority and keep their respect if you are best buddies.

Making the transition from lower level management to body corporate manager is never easy, but by following these tips, you'll be sure to impress right from the start!
